Clash Of Kings Elite Legion Troops

Greetings readers, my apologies i have not kept up on this page. Seeing page traffic I really need to get to work and post more, so without further adieu let me give the valentine's day present of discussing general combat, good combat etiquette and just some general pointers about the subject of warfare as this is a war game ideally.

Troops are the army of a city. They are used to defend your city, attack players, gather resources, and explore ruins. They also increase the power/might of a city. They move from one tile to another at a speed and consumes food while they live. Apaphys, Champion of Death: (Clash Of Kings 2018) Basically a bigger, angrier Revenant King on Undead Worm with Fly tacked on standard. Has a 75x75 base, and the new rule for Huge Flier, so not quite as agile as Undead Worm, but the addition of Very Inspiring, Dread, Elite AND Lifeleech make him a pretty attractive alternative for cost of.

  1. Clash Of Kings Elite Legion Troops Hear Audio In After Effects Basic Console Operation. You can open the console up any time by pressing the tilde key located at the top left of your keyboard (non-English keyboard users, see above). Typing a few letters into console will display any commands matching the letters you have typed in. GMod Furry Group.
  2. I would be willing to bet the pirates skeleton crew and Arkanten come back in a future clash of kings pack, as well as some potential new units down the line! In terms of their relative strength, I would place EoD as a top 10 faction in 3rd edition, though one of the trickier ones to do well with.
  3. The Clash of Kings troops are divided into 4 major troop units, each of these 2 major troop units are further divided into 2 sub categories. You can use these links to quickly jump to the associated sections. Based on our observation for both attack and defense, certain types are superior than the other.

Let's discuss our troop types real quick:
Pokey melee, this starts with spearmen and end with your Tier 9 mass produced walking box of knives known as Halberdiers. These guys kill especially on attack or vs Cavalry, so see a large number of cavalry send these boys in to reinforce. The downside is that they are glass cannons.
Tank soldiers, the infantry that has shields. The main levels I am going to mention is tier 7 and 10 for this article. My primary castle is 30 and I still maintain at all times 40k T7. They are the fodder, when my alliance rallies a large target we each send 5k maybe even a little more T7 infantry.This seems to reduce the casualties for the cavalry and the strike infantry that goes with. Additionally the traps and turrets attack lowest level troops first. So ask you do you want a rock to drop on mr. T9 or a 144% faster to build T7? So what of T10.... they are even tougher replace T7 with them right? No because of reasons listed above. They are still good and will send them, but its like a sandwhich 5k T7 10k T9 and then 5k t10.

Clash Of Kings Elite Legion Troops War

Clash of kings elite legion troops ranksLegion
Crossbowmen get bonus defending seem to do much less on attack than their T8 and 10 regular bowmen. Conversely the regular bowmen do adequately both attacking and defending. I have found archer's kill numbers much more hit or miss than the others when attacking, but very solid reliably when defending.
Extremely solid offensive troops. They do well at crushing archers, but generally generate reliable kill numbers on attack. When employing march boosts, I often load heavy on cavalry on a rally, essentially doubling their portion opposed to other troops. Yes one is better for farm hits than the other, but generally i have not seen cavalry very heavily to make a note for composition.

Clash Of Kings Elite Legion Troops Tier

KingsCatapults: Essentially all but tier 6 and 9. This again runs into something odd for kill counts. Catapults won't get involved in the fight for kills it seems if infantry and cavalry wipe out their men. Say you are sending a million troop rally at a castle in kill event and it has 100k or so troops. Those cats will not get a single kill most likely. Other idiosyncrasy of them, they seem to take bad casualties if not accompanied by adequate cavalry and infantry. Defensively they can be rock stars no pun intended, but again only if protected by the dirty melee castes of troops.
The battering rams, such as Tier 6 and 9. They seem good for looting alts. Thats really about it. They do not seem to provide protection for their cost.
Troop composition:Clash

Clash Of Kings Elite Legion Troops World War Ii

Limited T7 5k to 10k tops depending on size of castle. I wouldn't send more than 5k unless you either expected large reinforce or if the castle itself was large or both apply.Then balanced as can be usually dropping a little infantry for cavalry, but ideally if everyone did a 5k T7 and a balance mix you should be fine for casualties.
Both attack and defense buffs help when fighting. It has nothing to do with whether you rallying target or being hit.
VIP buff also helps after level 9.
The proper spec is also important, when i go combat i go right up the tree up the cavalry side. Reason being the cavalry seems to always kill the most anyhow and the buffs make them even more solid. When doing infantry stats, i do both health and defense as much as i can.
Does rally leader or defender stats matter?
Answer is, not as much as most people think. The attacker only uses his movement speed and hall of war. I have checked a .lot of logs. There is nothing to support the rally leader influencing people with bad stats to suddenly be superstars and same for defenders. I have seen reinforcing troops just slaughter an attacker that was using higher tier troops and the only way it would have happened if his stats counted as his own.
Coping with loss:
Now some say with the T7 infantry model, you pretty much are volunteering to lose men. Yes, but let me reiterate the rules. This is not for small targets, its actually counter productive potentially on weak targets. This is for big targets, targets where you almost need to send t9 infantry because of their raw murdering capability. It's completely worth it and really they build faster than t8 and t9, so its worth keeping a nice pad of them.
The thing about a rally if troops are properly balanced the losses are spread over 14 or 15 people if not more, is a lot easier to recover from than a zeroed out castle.

Clash Of Kings Elite Legion Troops Ranks

Defender tricks:
Max your traps for one. Easy kills and make the enemy feel the burn for hitting you. The other piece, try and do small segments for reinforcing if you can. It makes it easier to heal if the work is spread over 8 to 10 people. Obviously on a large castle this is more difficult as say a 30 embassy with over 600k troops would require full marches, but the flip side is a filled embassy 30 plus its own troops should be pretty good for defenders.
Another good tip for an alliance that is actively fighting wars, embassy expansion is an awesome thing. Throws inexperienced attackers off as you can reinforce up to 200k more than they think should be there.
Hope this helps any questions feel free to put it in comments.+1 if you liked this article please.
Thank you,