40 Days Prayer For The Faithful Departed Pdf Download

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Week One: Prayer and Praise – Finding Joy in God

40 Days Prayer for the Faithful Departed Fi r st 9 con se cu ti ve n i ght s wil l b e Th e Ho ly R o sar y to O ur Bl e sse d Vi rg in Moth er Dai ly Pr ay er for 3 1 Co nsec u ti v e Ni gh ts, Af ter The 9 Co n se c ut ive Nig ht s of The Hol y Ro sar y. Mercy Prayer Most Merciful Father, grant the soul of our loved one, name, mercy. He/She has departed from this world. Please forgive him/her of his/her trespasses and usher him/her into your presence. May your faithful servant find refreshment, peace, and joy before you, O Lord. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

God made you so he could enjoy you. And God made you so you could enjoy him. And God is glorified when you find your greatest joy in him.

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Week Two: Prayer and Purpose – Giving God Your “Yes”

Prayer is an opportunity to align our will with God’s will, and to ask that his will be done in the world around us.

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40 Days Prayer For The Faithful Departed Pdf Download Full

Week Three: Prayer and Provision – Trusting God to Meet Our Needs

Prayer is how we affirm God as our Provider and trust him to be faithful to his promises.

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40 days prayer for the faithful departed pdf40 Days Prayer For The Faithful Departed Pdf Download

Week Four: Prayer and Pardon – Walking Close and Clean

{Video coming later.}

Prayer involves receiving God’s pardon for our sins so that our friendship with him can be closer.

40 Days Prayer For The Faithful Departed Free

40 Days Prayer For The Faithful Departed Pdf Download

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Week Five: Prayer and People – The Ministry of Intercession

{Video coming later.}

God has called you to and equipped you for a ministry of intercession (praying for others)!

Catholic prayer for the faithful

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Week Six: Prayer and Protection – Victory in Spiritual Warfare

{Video coming later.}

Prayer IS the fight!

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