How To Change Font Of Line Numbering For Word For Mac

A list will show up, and click on 'Line Number' in that list. (If 'Line Number' is not shown, click on 'Options' at the bottom of the popup. For 'Select styles to show:' pick 'All styles.' For 'Select how list is sorted:' pick 'Alphabetical.' You should then see 'Line Number' and it should be easy to find.) Click the drop-down menu on 'Line.

04-19-2009, 10:50 PM #3

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The formatting of the line numbers is defined in the character style named
'Line Number'. You can change the font of the line numbers by modifying the
To modify the style, you can for example do as follows:
Press Ctrl+Shift+S to display the Apply Styles dialog box. Type “Line
Number” in the Style Name field and click Modify. In the Modify Style dialog
box, you can make the desired changes to the Line Number style. If you want
the change to apply to all new documents based on the template in use, turn
on “New documents based on this template”. Click OK.
Lene Fredborg - Microsoft MVP (Word)
DocTools - Denmark
Document automation - add-ins, macros and templates for Microsoft Word
'Daisie01' wrote:

> I am using Microsoft Word 2007 and I need to have the line numbers in Courier
> New, 12 pt. But I can't figure out how to change that!! Can anyone help me?

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  • In this article we explain how to change Word's default font for new documents, as well as how to add automatic line numbering to documents, or portions of a document. Change Word's Default Font. The default font in Microsoft Word is Times New Roman, or Calibri for Word 2007.
  • Stubborn Word font changes. Under 'Change Styles', and click on the little arrow. This fixed my problem with some templates where the font was set to Times NR 12, but the numbered list.

If you have tried everything to make your document look different, chances are you have not tried to change the font style and size of the page numbers. Word allows you to do this in a few simple steps. Here is how you go about it:

  • Choose “Styles and Formatting” from the “Format” menu.
  • In the task pane on the right side of the screen, choose “All Styles” from the “Show” list.
  • From the “Pick Formatting to Apply” list locate “Page Numbers”.
  • You could either right click on it or click the drop down menu provided.
  • Click “Modify”. The “Modify Style” dialog box appears.
  • Click “OK”.
  • Check the “Add to template” checkbox, if you want the modified style to be added to the template.

NOTE: If you don’t check this box, the modified style will affect only the document you are working on

  • Your document will now have a new look as defined.

Line Numbering In Word

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